01:10 Connecting...
01:10 Connected
01:10 NICK user99
01:10 USER user99 8 * :user99
01:10 Please wait while we process your connection.
01:11 Logged in
01:11 JOIN #channel01
01:11 Welcome to the Internet Relay Network user99!~user99@ip.address.xxxxx.ne.jp
01:11 Your host is irc.xxxxx.wide.ad.jp, running version 2.11.0+jp8
01:11 End of MOTD command.
01:11 user99 has changed mode: +i
01:11 MODE #channel01
01:11 WHO #channel01
01:13 Error(475): #channel03 Cannot join channel (+k)
01:14 PRIVMSG #channel01 :通常のメッセージ通常のメッセージ
01:14 PRIVMSG #channel01 :通常のメッセージ通常のメッセージ
01:15 TOPIC #channel01 会話中に変更されたトピック
01:18 Received file transfer request from test_, xxxxxx.jpg (3,200 bytes)
01:19 PRIVMSG test_ :DCC SEND xxxxx.jpg 1234567890 1096 8436 2 :xxxxx.jpg
01:19 Trying file transfer to test_, xxxxx.jpg (8,436 bytes)
01:20 MODE #channel02 +b *!*@ip.address.xxxxx.ne.jp
01:21 KICK #channel02 user00
01:23 PART #channel03 Leaving...
01:36 QUIT Leaving...
01:36 Error: Closing Link: user99[~user99@ip.address.xxxxx.ne.jp] ("Leaving...")
01:36 Disconnected