Wi-Fi 経由で異なるデバイス間のクリップボード共有ができる Pasteasy

Windows も Mac も Android も iOS も!

You might want to send a paragraph from a document on your computer to someone over Whatsapp, or to insert a photo in that document from your phone. Wouldn’t it be great if you could simply copy and paste it between them?

Pasteasy makes that possible. Everyone already knows how to copy and paste — its simple, easy and quick. Why wait for your stuff to travel across the internet when those devices are next to each other? For this reason, we made Pasteasy work over local WiFi.

Pasteasy – Copy on the phone, paste on the computer


続きを読む Wi-Fi 経由で異なるデバイス間のクリップボード共有ができる Pasteasy